IX Practice

How we work out what needs to be done

1. IX Assessment

This looks at the current state of InfraTech, where existing bottlenecks, waste, single-points-of-failure and open issues are. This is viewed not through a backward looking lens of what could have been done better, but by looking forwards at the agreed Principles and understanding what the organisation’s InfraTech needs to support going forward

2. Generating the Backlog

The next phase of work seeks to catalogue the issues both current and future that will need to be addressed by the Digital Enterprise – and links these issues to specific areas of InfraTech that require work. This places each piece of InfraTech into its current state and serves as a dashboard for where the organisation’s InfraTech is in its lifecycle.

3. Defining Sprints

This is a collaborative process, outside our contract negotiation, where specific items from the backlog are put forward and broken down into meaningful deliverables against our five pillars that can be realized in 3-4 weeks. These Sprints will all be aimed at moving a piece of InfraTech from one state to another.

4. Assuring Results

This is the “architectural conformance” that follows a sprint to confirm that the deliverables have moved the organization closer towards its Principles and that a state-change, or progress towards one, has been achieved.

5. Iterating

Where required Digital Discovery will be repeated or run in another area of the Digital Enterprise, the Backlog updated again, and new Sprints agreed upon – repeating as required until the InfraTech reaches a stable “operate” state and can be left for a period of time.

Our Principles

The key principles to our approach, as with any Agile working practice are:

  • Collaboration over contract
  • Interaction over processes & tools
  • Responding to change over structured planning
  • Prototyping and real working results over paper exercises.

This means that rather than try to pre-define our deliverables, we work collaboratively to update the planned deliverables on a monthly basis. We keep deliveries fast-paced and modular and do not get hung up on planning lengthy projects that will fail to adapt to changing requirements, technology and markets.

How we contract

Our contracts will therefore define a broad scope of work as an area within the Digital Enterprise that requires our attention. This scope of work is then linked to a total of the effort blocks estimated within each Pillar that we anticipate. This will result in a total budget which is then allocated on a Sprint-by-Sprint basis to specific deliverables. Commercial arrangements for how this is paid are flexible, as are the deliverables.

Customers flex the engagement by running more or fewer concurrent Sprints, based on budget and delivery timeframes. The work is “done” when all IT systems are in a settled “operate” state of being. From this point, customers will often be able to stay in this “operate” state for several years, without any support from us, before another state change is required. When a new requirement emerges, we re-engage and start the process again

Sprint Performance
Who We Are

Our Founders

Core Principles







IX Assessment

IX Skills

IX Sprints

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